Jamu is a very popular healthy drink in Indonesia

Do you know "Jamu" in Indonesia? This is a herbal tea of folk medicine, a mix of medicinal herbs with a long, long history in Indonesia. When sold in Indonesia, the label shows medicinal values. But outside of Indonesia, it is treated as a food product. The ingredients are mainly medicinal herbs of the ginger family, and many of them are blended with medicinal turmeric and other special herbal medicines, but they are all considered food. However, since ancient times, Jamu has saved the Indonesian people from various diseases.

Jamu medicine shown in the Borobudur reliefs

The origins of Jamu are as old as the Javanese civilization, which is believed to have occurred around the 7th or 8th century. The practice of Jamu medicine is illustrated in the reliefs of the Borobudur Buddhist site, a World Heritage site. Jamu was used in the Kratons (royal palaces) of the Javanese Kingdom in Surakarta (Solo) and Yogyakarta on the island of Java, as far as documents indicate. The culture of Jamu for beauty and health purposes flourished, especially among the women of the royal family and the court ladies who served them. Jamu and its treatment methods are now designated as Indonesian Cultural Heritage (Cultural Promotion Act No. 5 of 2017*). At our service, “Indoneshi-ya”, we are committed to sharing this Javanese "Cultural Heritage" with you around the world.

*UU Pemajuan Kebudayaan No. 5 Tahun 2017

In Indonesia, one of Jamu recipes, an ancient folk medical beverage, is very popular and used to treat Pollen Allergy or Hay Fever and other allergies. “Jamu Tea” is a powdered form of Jamu that can be easily dissolved in hot water and drunk immediately. This 100% Natural Health Tea is reported as effective for Pollen Allergy and other allergic symptoms. It is favored by many people who love natural ingredients.

Pollen Allergy is said to be more likely to occur in people who are accustomed to a clean, airtight lifestyle, such as condominiums in countries with polluted air, during the period when allergenic plants pollen increases. The large amount of pollen is modified by pollutants, and it is a disease of modern people who have become accustomed to a clean environment that makes them sensitive to allergens.

Jamu Tea -Pollen Allergina is developped in Japan

In Japan, Cedar Pollen spikes between February and April. It is known as a national disease, and more than 42% of the population is said to suffer from Pollen Allergy. Jamu Tea - “Pollen Allegina” is born and developed in needs of Japan and the wisdom of Indonesia. It is a handmade tea with ancient knowledge.

Jamu Tea - “Pollen Allegina” is...
○A product licensed by BPOM(the National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of Indonesia Government).
○A safe and secure product with PIRT (a license issued by the Indonesia Government for Micro Business).
○Dairy(Milk) Free, Gluten&Wheat Free, For Vegan&Vegetarian, and GMO(Genetically Modified Organism) Free.

World wide pollen map (modified hub.eaaci.org)

Now, this special Jamu Tea is ready for world wide needs. In Europe, grass pollinosis is well-known and peaks from May to July. In the U.S., many people suffer from hay fever caused by ragweed and other pollinosis, with hay fever season from April to July in the West and from August to October in the Northeast. In the southern hemisphere, pollen allergy in Australia is said to last from July to January, peaking in September. In recent years, the number of pollen allergy sufferers in China and Korea has also been increasing rapidly due to air pollution problems. China and Korea also have yellow sand and PM2.5 allergy. Heavy pollinosis in South America and Africa is gradually reported these days.

Jamu Tea -Pollen Allergina, International Version

We are pleased to announce the release of “Jamu Tea -Pollen Allergina” as Jamu Tea International version for allergy sufferers all around the world. We hope you will enjoy Jamu Tea -Pollen Allergina, a 100% natural herbal health tea for hay fevers and allergy sufferers all over the world. This is a standardized international version of the very popular Jamu Tea sold in Japan.

Testimonials from Jamu Tea customers:

○I drank it as soon as possible! It tastes like curry powder and I enjoyed it. The symptoms that have been bothering me since yesterday seem to have calmed down.

○The next day my symptoms eased up.

○I felt the effect and it helped me a lot.

○I am a repeat purchaser of this jamu tea! My itchy eyes have decreased dramatically and I take my medicine less often!

○I am so thankful that it took away the itchiness in my eyes due to pollen allergy!

○I was suffering from an allergic cough, but when I put it in my mouth, it stopped my cough. Thank you very much.

And more...

JAMU TEA -POLLEN ALLEGINA (Jamu Tea International Version)

is now distributed by

INDONESHI-YA, Specializing in Indonesian Products Shop

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#java #health #tea #healthy #natural #vegetarian #MaintainingHealth #healthcare




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